Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Wonderful Saturday!

We were blessed with spectacular weather for the Ithaca Dog Fest, as well as our family photos. Couldn't have been any better!  It felt so good for this mama to have all her kiddos together for the day, too, what with Nate in PA, now, and Will at school every weekday and working on the weekends.

We didn't quite make the sales goal that I had in mind, but the puppy paw lollipops were a big hit, and we were able to make a small donation to the dog rescue organization.

We made lots of connections with interesting folks, and that's what life is really all about, right?

Here are some photos of our sales display table, as we were setting it up:  

Instead of trying to bring along our dogs, like a few other vendors did, we opted to set up a photo of each.  There were so very many dogs of all shapes and sizes and temperaments with their owners in attendance!  Additionally, we ended up having a couple of rescue dogs that were up for adoption on either side of we made a wise choice.  

I shudder to think how it might have gone if we'd brought even one of our dogs along!

Saturday afternoon, around 5pm, our photographer friend, Roger, arrived to scope out the field and set up his equipment.  We weren't sure what time we'd begin shooting, as he wanted a certain level of natural lighting, along with his special lighting to get the best portrait.

We ended up starting earlier than anticipated, and we captured some terrific shots!  He was a lot of fun to work with, and he handled the dogs and horse so well, getting them to look in the right direction at the right second.

I purposely put my own camera away once Roger got started with us, but here are a few "pre-production" shots:

I am very excited to sit down with Roger in two weeks to select the photos we want.  It's going to be difficult to narrow it down.  We have several nice shots of the entire family, dogs and horse included.  But, he also took some great shots of the kids!  Don and I also posed for a few, too - one of Don's 20th anniversary gifts to me, I hope? (Hint, Hint)

I'll share a few, eventually, so keep following us right here!

And, if you enjoy a good lollipop, let me know:  we have some extras from this Saturday, and I'd love to make some more!  Shipping available.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Projects Update

We've had to turn the heat on for a few hours each morning for the past couple days....and you know what that means....

We've picked the last of our veggies, dried as much herbs as we can store, and canned some things for winter.

Now, its really time to get rolling on the firewood (we have a significant amount chopped, but it needs to hauled out of the woods)....

...And, of course, finish the buildings.  Actually, they are pretty close to completion.  All still need electricity, though....before daylight savings, preferably!

It's been a challenge for Don, between his work schedule, Will's work and school schedule, and the physical limitations of our girls, although they have done their very best.  They will be well-prepared to help their future husbands with all sorts of projects!

We've really been missing Nate, especially in the building projects department.  But, he's doing well in Pennsylvania, and we're thrilled about that.

With the help of Grace and Rosie, Don disassembled our old chicken coop, harvested the materials he needed from it, and assembled our new, larger chicken coop in ONE Sunday afternoon!  It still needs some finishing touches, but the chickens are able to use it now.

Looks great, Grace!

Chickens, not being the smartest of birds, are creatures of habit that do not adapt to change easily.

It adventure, shall we say?...
To convince them to abandon the pile of leftover material that lay in the spot where their old coop sat, and move into the new one....about 40 yards away.

As it got darker and darker outside, we stealthily crept around the backyard with flashlights, cornering and catching chickens.  I'm surprised no one called the cops to report the strange goings-on in this quiet valley!

I'm sure the neighbors thought we were killing them as they screeched while being transported to their new abode, one-by-one.

It sounded like Jurassic Park meets Westbrook Farms! Oy Vey!!  But, they'll adapt after a few more nights, I hope!  Until then, we're going to find eggs in all sorts of places....

We're praying for a nice day, and folks who are in the mood to buy maple syrup this Saturday at the Dog Fest in Ithaca, NY.

I'm pretty excited about this weekend - Nate's coming home for a visit and we're finally getting our family portrait done.  The last "professional quality" portrait we had taken was... 12 years ago! And, we still have this one, taken seven years ago, hanging on our wall...

I'd say it's time for an update, wouldn't you?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Do they know how good they have it?

It's really feeling, and looking, like autumn out there, isn't it?

I love to see the mums blooming, the crops being harvested, and the leaves changing color.

The cool nights are perfect for bonfires and hot cider!

Our dogs love every season around here, but I really think fall is their favorite.

The temperature is just right for lots of  activities:  hiking...

...swimming, hunting.....

...long games of fetch with a ball, frisbee or goose decoy - it's a dog utopia around here!

Yes, they are a bit spoiled - they get to run, roll, track scents, chew on bones, eat well, and just be what they were created to be! And, they rest deeply in the safe, caring presence of their humans.
They have it good....really good.

My dogs know they are loved, and since we adopted each of them as pups, they really don't know life could be any different...

But, next weekend we are participating in the Ithaca Dog Fest.  This event, taking place at Cass Park in Ithaca from 10am to 2pm, benefits less fortunate canines.

A few weeks ago we received a phone call from this event's coordinator, whom my son had met at the Tractor Supply Company where he works.

The funds raised at this event support local dog rescues that take in and find homes for our furry friends.  There will also be dogs for adoption at this festival.   Given our affection for man's best friend, of course we agreed to participate!

Besides our usual 100% pure maple syrup in various sized containers, we'll also be selling delicious old-fashioned maple lollipops, made of pure maple syrup!  In addition to the traditional maple leaf shape, we'll also have flowers and....puppy paws!

Come on out and treat your family to a whimsical maple treat, and enjoy the many other vendors supporting these special dogs!

Stay tuned next week for an update on all our building projects, and photos from the Ithaca Dog Fest! 
Oh, yes - And, lollipops will be available (until our 2015 syrup supply runs out) by special order as of October 1, so contact us and watch for them in our on-line store! 
(Please note:  the lollipops are preservative-free and 100% natural, therefore, best if consumed within 20 days of purchase.)