Monday, December 7, 2015

The Places You'll Go, The People You'll Meet

What a lovely December day!  Reminded me of the mild December we experienced the year we moved to Central New York. (Quite different from the last two years!)

In the words of 19th century author, Amelia Barr, "The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people you meet on them."  And, indeed, this maple syrup voyage has brought many interesting people into our lives!

Simply put,   "It's not about the destination or the journey; it's about the people you meet along the way."

Folks have asked us, "How do you do at the craft fairs and farmers' markets?"  Most of the time, what they mean is, "How much money did you make?" and "How much syrup did you sell?"

Yes, we do need to recoup our expenses and we always HOPE to make a decent profit, but I try to keep in mind that people are infinitely more important than money.

Each individual with whom we interact is made by God, in His image, therefore he or she is "somethin' special"!

A smile, a wave, a conversation - I believe it all matters.

So, yes, we made some money this weekend, but I hope we also blessed the folks who stopped by our table at the Tully Craft Fair, because I sure felt blessed to meet them!

We enjoyed the sights and sounds - the creativity of the crafters and artists, the Christmas music of the little high school band, the wonderful aroma of the homemade soups served by the boy scouts (I had butternut-curry soup, mostly because the scout serving me told me that his mom made it with the squash and onions he had grown in his own garden!), and more...

Speaking of the importance of people....follow me here...  

                     Our hens.....still.....are not laying!  The molting period should be over, and yet, we are still only getting one to three eggs each day.  Might be time for a new flock....

I was feeling quite frustrated until I noticed an "eggs for sale" sign four houses down and across the road from us...offering an excellent price!  It gave us the perfect opportunity to get to know these sweet neighbors, a retired couple who thought it would be fun to have some animals around, but didn't want the - ehem - challenges - of a dog.  I am enjoying my weekly visits with them, as well as the fresh home-raised eggs we prepare for breakfast and use in our baking.

During my walk through the woods today, I noticed some branches and tree limbs have fallen on our maple lines these past couple of weeks, so we'll be taking care of those tomorrow.

We still have 12 quarts and 4 pints of delicious 2015 maple syrup in inventory, as well as one of those maple breakfast baskets I posted on Facebook last week, so contact us if you're interested.

And, finally...

We realized that Sassy Anna was getting a bit bored and needs "a job". However, we do not, yet, have a cart for her to drive.  The girls have been playing games with her, in-hand, and "long-lining" her in the harness we have, but, Rosie was looking for a new challenge, so... she decided to start her under saddle...

Yay!  Go, Sassy!  This did not happen in one session.  Rosie and Grace have been working up to this over the past few weeks, weather-permitting.

Who says you can't teach an old dog (or horse) new tricks?

There's definitely more training ahead for Sassy, but I'm so proud of the three of them!  Maybe one day next summer, I'll take Sassy for a trail ride. I haven't been in the saddle for two years!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Our "Moving" Anniversary....

Three years ago, today, we pulled our convoy of pick-up trucks and a suburban into the driveway of our recently-purchased home in New stay....I remember it like it was yesterday - Don and our boys hauling the contents of our old home, me hauling all of our critters (my first time ever hauling a horse trailer of that size containing two horses, two ponies and a crate full of hens!), and my husband's two best buds, Jeff L. and Jeff S., carrying our daughters, their best friends who joined us for the ride, and any "spillover" that wouldn't fit in the moving trailer.

What an emotional day that was!

Awaiting our arrival with fresh strength and energy (and FOOD!), were two sweet families who we will always refer to as our "moving angels" and friends - folks we had never met in person before, but with whom we shared a common bond through our faith in Jesus Christ and our choice to homeschool our children.

So much has happened since that bittersweet would make most people's heads spin, but, as I mentioned in my last post, Don promised me our life together would NEVER be boring!

Over the past few days, I've been reading through this blog from the very first post - some made me laugh, some made me cry... and, I can honestly say, I'm glad I didn't know exactly what would come next!

A year after our move, Don parted ways with the employer who moved us up here in the first place.

My "knee-jerk" reaction was to say, "Let's just pack it up and move home!"

My daughters and I were still having a very difficult time calling this place "home".  

Although he wouldn't admit it at the time, Don has since confessed that the thought of heading back to familiar surroundings crossed his mind, too.

However, we prayed, we examined the situation from many angles, and ultimately we determined together, that this is where we were supposed to be for awhile.

We knew we had unfinished business...more lessons God wanted to teach us...more people we were supposed to meet, influence, encourage, learn from...individuals with whom we needed to share friendship and hospitality and the love of Jesus Christ...even our knowledge and life experience....

In one of my old posts, I talk about seasons and their implication in both agriculture and our lives. (Profound.  I really liked that one!)

This particular adventure on which we've embarked is just one of the seasons in our lives.  This concept is especially difficult to get my teenagers to wrap their brains around...sometimes, even I am too short-sighted to see it, and become discontent and blue for a time, though I have no right to be.  As God's precious children, our family has everything we need, and then some!

In just three short years, we've experienced a couple of employment changes for Don, I've temporarily held two part-time jobs in two vastly different fields, we've visited numerous churches (still haven't settled into one, yet, but the little church we've attended the past two Sundays may be "the one"), sold three of our horses and adopted one, adopted a new kitten and a new puppy...

...We've explored much of our area, we've started a maple syrup business on our property, built gardens and a pond, endured health issues that ultimately resulted in surgery, experienced the devastation of a fire, built a horse barn, a sugar shack and a pole barn, graduated two of our children from high school, found an incredible tutor to help me in homeschooling my daughters, and made a few close friends, along with many new acquaintances. (There's SO much more, but that would make for an excessively long blog post!)

Sure, we still miss our friends and family back in PA, but by the grace of God and the hospitality and love of those folks, we get to visit quite regularly. And, it's always so refreshing!  When we lived in Lancaster County, PA, we were very comfortable, and we took our comfy lives for granted - not anymore! Each visit is treasured! 

I try not to take for granted the things that have become familiar to me up here - our daily walks in the woods, visits to gorgeous state parks and lakes within minutes of our home, kayaking, maple season, the friends with whom we've connected, the crazy weather...

While this is just a season in our lives, and eventually, we'll move on...either back to south-eastern Pennsylvania or somewhere else in this great country that God leads us (SOUTH, preferably!), my goal is to stay present... in the here and now, so I don't miss any of the lessons - or blessings - God has for me.  The year 2016 holds many, I'm sure!

Keep following us through the 2016 maple season and more....

And, I promise will never be boring!!