Our Creator amazes me every day!
I know it sounds cliche, but I truly enjoy observing and admiring God's creativity and intentionality in nature. ...Presently, I'm watching Isaac...his day to day growth, his insatiable curiosity, his mastery of new skills...his play. And, how Sassy Anna "parents" him...how far she allows him to explore, when she needs to corral him, how she corrects him so that he learns proper "herd etiquette".
She is an amazing horse mama and we are following her lead! Improving our own ability to "speak horse" clearly.
Thus far, we've kept Sassy and Isaac in a separate pasture from Lexie. This weekend, Sassy chose to introduce "Auntie Lexie" and Isaac through the fence, so we'll allow them to be together again very soon.
Now, about 10 years ago, we raised two quarterhorse foals, and, more recently, I watched my friend, Pam's, warmblood colt grow up, caring for him whenever she was traveling. I have to say, in comparison, Issac is exceptionally precocious, inquisitive and bold. He's also a thinker! Sassy has her work cut out for her...and so do we! This weekend we fortified the fencing of one pasture, and added an extra chain to each gate. We'll be doing the same to the other pasture shortly.
meeting Tig at 8 days old |
12 days old, in the newly-fenced pasture |
We've also been doing a ton of research! You see, while we've owned and cared for numerous horses in the last 15 years, we've never owned a potential racehorse. Don is calling on his dad to recall as much as he can from the family's time in harness-racing, but things have changed in the last 30 years! And, thanks to the internet, much more information is available at our fingertips. So, Don has been doing a ton of reading and watching videos to learn more about raising Issac to reach his potential.

Another part of our research....the most fun part....is going to the track. We went to the races at Tioga Downs this weekend. What a great evening!

Our equine dentist and friend, Brianne, is, among many things, an outrider at the track. So, when a racehorse is hot or nervous, or a driver experiences a tack or equipment malfunction, she's the one that rides out on her quarterhorse to catch the wayward athletes and calm the situation.
Thanks to her, we got to check out the stables, meet some gorgeous racehorses, talk with a trainer, and ride in the pace truck for races 12 and 13. It was so cool to see the horses and drivers "get their mean on", as the race began!
We also met this really sweet couple from Canada who owns several racehorses, two of whom reside with a trainer in New York and frequently race at Tioga Downs. They were a wealth of information and experience to us, as they've been into it for many years. And, as it turns outs, Jim's father bought a filly out of the "Dillon" bloodline back in the late 60's, directly related to Don's grandfather's stallion! It is quite possible that his father knew Don's grandfather!
I'm sure we'll be making more contacts, visiting more breeders, owners and trainers in the next year or so. Staying in close contact with our awesome veterinarian, who also dabbles in harness-racing.
I, generally-speaking, like to see or know what steps 1 through 4 of the journey look like before I'm willing to even take the first step! But, often times God says, "Just trust Me with this and take the first step. Then, I'll show you the next step." Now at 40+, though sometimes reluctantly still, I can do that.
This is one of those times.
Today |
Raising this colt is a huge responsibility...and a significant added expense. But, also a pretty cool blessing! We will do our research, be intentional about the choices and investments we make, and see where it all goes. I have no idea where this new adventure will lead us or with whom our lives may be intertwined, but I'm just gonna have to trust God.
I believe my Heavenly Father is very intentional with His children. We, the Westbrook Family...are supposed to walk this path for now....to learn and grow in new ways...to be moved out of my comfort zone....
We are going to be learning a lot this summer...we thrive on these new experiences!
We...I...really do, although I am often uncomfortable during the process, unlike my very confident husband.
Not sure where all of this will lead, but...here...we...go...