Monday, December 26, 2016

New blog will begin!

My awesome kids and husband blessed me with a brand new Nikon D3400 camera for Christmas this year, knowing my old Nikon was on it's last breath.

(I've dropped it several times in the last couple of years, and the view finder finally cracked!)

This photo is me trying to read the manual while Grace, the other, more tech-savvy photographer in the family, plays with it!

I was unsure if I would have the time.....or even wanted to share this next year or so of our lives publicly, as its sure to be...complex...messy.

But, then I thought, "You know what?  Everyone has challenging and "messy" times in their lives.  Maybe... just maybe, I can somehow encourage my fellow humans by sharing both my images and my thoughts of this life, from the everyday to the special times... this next chapter of ours!"

And, now I have this incredible new camera to chronicle our journey, so.....

I humbly offer you this glimpse into my life on my new blog, Follow Your Feet:  A Westbrook Tale.  (Title courtesy of Don!)

I will try to post once or twice a month, and "share" on Facebook for those who are interested in this next journey of ours. Maybe even more posts when the big move happens!

And, of course, I will continue to chronicle the life of our surprise colt, Classified Tech!

Watch for my first post in the new blog on January 1, 2017...New year, new blog...sounds good to me!

It will be at:

Hope you all had a Wonderful Christmas!