Saturday, April 12, 2014

Now, Spring Has Arrived...For Real!

With the maple season wrapped up, we are soooo relieved that springtime is fully here.

We've had many days with temps in the 50's and low-60's this week, but today was the best spring day, yet - 65 degrees.....AND SUNNY!  All day sunshine, too.  It was wonderful!

 In the morning, we popped the rest of the taps from our sugarbush, and did some yard work.

The boys moved the last of our wood pile and we prepped the area that will become our family garden (more on that in an upcoming blog...). 

Then, we each spent the afternoon doing whatever we wanted. 

 Grace soaked in the sunshine reading her book, then worked on her painting. 

Rosie took a bareback trail ride with Lexie, and spent time with her friend, Jalyn.

Nate sat outside with his i-pod before visiting his friend across the street, and Will got some much-needed rest, as well as a walk in the woods. 

I did my favorite thing - took a long, relaxing hike around our property with the dogs and my camera....

Mac found the last of the snow.....

I enjoyed listening to the various songbirds....

Ginger enjoyed a vigorous roll in the grassy field...

And, I had the opportunity to talk with my God in one of my favorite spots, overlooking this valley we call home for now.

Yes, spring brings with it, not just relief, but hope and promise.  
Very soon, these fields will be a sea of tall green grass - that makes me smile!


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed! In another 2 weeks things will really be blooming up here! Mid-May would work! Let me know.
