Monday, August 24, 2015

Tin and more!

Oh, the beautiful late summer days! 

This old kitty loves the dry, sunny, 75-degree days and cool, clear nights we've been blessed, too! 

The tin for the pole barn arrived a few days ago, so we took advantage of the great weather, and...

This is the trim and roof color.  I was determined to get some red into the picture.

I think I have Don convinced to paint the sugar shack and horse barn in red with clay-colored trim to compliment, instead of match, this main barn next summer!

We hung some saddle racks in the tack room, so the girls don't have saddles in their bedroom anymore.

AND, we started setting up the sugar shack - this is where the evaporator will sit.  We're all very excited about next maple season on our own farm - Visitors welcome, of course!  It's going to be so nice when its all set up.

We also gathered some apples and made apple chips this week, as well as drying some herbs with my new dehydrator....

It hasn't been all work, though.  Among other things, we went to see the harness-racing at Tioga Downs last Friday evening, and we've enjoyed some relaxing time by the pond, swimming the dogs and the horses, and enjoying the wildlife!

I noticed this first sign of autumn on our property... by our pond...Can you see it?  Right in the middle?  

Oh, yes...its coming.  Means we had better keep moving forward....

After a campfire and s'mores, of course!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Garden Harvest And Other Happenings

Since my last update, nothing exciting has happened in the construction department.  Some fencing has been completed, Don and the girls worked on the tack and feed room some more, and Don and Will finished framing and roofing the new chicken coop.

We strategically placed the coop in the pasture fence line to encourage the chickens to hang out in the pasture, as well as in the area we plan to plant a mini apple orchard - natural insect control!

Aug. 4, 2014
Remember Wiggles?  Our lone hatchling from last August?  The one we had to find "siblings" for to ensure her survival?

This is her, today!

And these are her "brothers":

Yes, we ended up with three roosters and only two hens from the group we purchased.  One rooster went missing a few weeks ago, presumably taken by a predator, as well as one hen, sadly.

Having multiple roos is not ideal, but they are so beautiful and, thus far, not causing any trouble so they can stay...for now.

Otherwise, the chickens are producing well, and we actually have a few regular customers who buy eggs from us, now.

Hope all of your gardens are as bountiful as mine!

We actually scaled back on the veggies this year because we wanted to start a strawberry patch and a few blueberry and raspberry bushes.  What veggies we did plant are yielding very well!  Lots of squash and cukes, of course, but my peppers, tomatoes and onions - WOW!

Been using lots of fresh-picked herbs in my kitchen, too,, and we plan to dry as much as possible in the coming weeks before the cold creeps in.

And, since I LOVE cauliflower, we planted four - YUM!

And, finally, Don surprised us with this little purchase:

He decided this to be "a more practical purchase" to replace the snowmobile we lost in the fire....Really, Honey?  Who do think you're fooling?  Well, I think it IS gonna be very useful during maple season... and all year round, actually...but, lots of F-U-N, too!

I've got another blog post on the way....'bout the pond and apples...some really pretty pictures, so stay tuned.  Oh, yeah!  And, the siding and roofing for the pole barn should be delivered by the end of the week, so watch for a building update, too.

And, let us know when you need some delicious, pure maple syrup for your fall goodies or gift-giving needs!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

August is Here... Autumn is on its heels!

The wedding....

After a crazy-busy July of travels to Pennsylvania, visits with friends and family, horse shows, horse-sitting, a wedding and more, August is a month to chill out, get mentally and physically prepared for our home-school year, and get some of our projects finished up before the first snow, which is likely to be early November for us.

The horse shows...
the "and more"!
We're adjusting to some changing family dynamics, too - Nathaniel has moved back to south-eastern PA for his new job, installing and repair septic systems.  He's working for a man that Don and I know and respect, and he's surrounded by family and friends, but it is still a big adjustment for all of us. And, William begins a 6-month automotive technologies certification program in two weeks, plus his part-time job.  Therefore, my boys are not going to be around least until next maple season!

 Any farmette, actually any 3+ acre property, needs regular updates, maintenance, modifications and/or adaptations.  When we bought this property of 23 acres, it was in pretty rough shape, so the initial metamorphosis continues for another year or two before we can go into "maintenance mode" for awhile.  The fire actually helped keep the process moving, we realized after the initial shock and horror of it.  Even when you and I can't see big changes, Don, with the help of our kids, is moving forward.

Now, the frame for the pole barn is up, stone has been spread for the sugar shack floor and the pole barn floor, the tack room has a window, insulation and paneling with shelves and saddle racks going in soon.

We're changing and adding fencing, also.  The horses will soon have two pastures:  one of about 3 and half acres, the other about one and a half acres, with a small paddock area in between so we can rotate for pasture health!

Additionally, a new chicken coop is in the works because our hens need a bit more space!

On a crazy side note:  

Apples and strawberries at the same time?  Yes, indeed!  Our very old Cortland apple trees are producing, AND our brand new ever-bearing strawberry plants each hold two to four ripening berries.  We'll finish the berries, then the start in on the apples....

The metamorphosis of this place has not been easy!  It has been challenging, frustratingly slow at times, and even downright ugly, too.  But, in the end, I'm sure it will be beautiful.  The folks who will appreciate it the most, I believe, are the friends and family who come up to visit periodically, and those who read my blog consistently.  Keep checking regularly for updates, and hope to see some of you up here in the near future!