Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Garden Harvest And Other Happenings

Since my last update, nothing exciting has happened in the construction department.  Some fencing has been completed, Don and the girls worked on the tack and feed room some more, and Don and Will finished framing and roofing the new chicken coop.

We strategically placed the coop in the pasture fence line to encourage the chickens to hang out in the pasture, as well as in the area we plan to plant a mini apple orchard - natural insect control!

Aug. 4, 2014
Remember Wiggles?  Our lone hatchling from last August?  The one we had to find "siblings" for to ensure her survival?

This is her, today!

And these are her "brothers":

Yes, we ended up with three roosters and only two hens from the group we purchased.  One rooster went missing a few weeks ago, presumably taken by a predator, as well as one hen, sadly.

Having multiple roos is not ideal, but they are so beautiful and, thus far, not causing any trouble so they can stay...for now.

Otherwise, the chickens are producing well, and we actually have a few regular customers who buy eggs from us, now.

Hope all of your gardens are as bountiful as mine!

We actually scaled back on the veggies this year because we wanted to start a strawberry patch and a few blueberry and raspberry bushes.  What veggies we did plant are yielding very well!  Lots of squash and cukes, of course, but my peppers, tomatoes and onions - WOW!

Been using lots of fresh-picked herbs in my kitchen, too,, and we plan to dry as much as possible in the coming weeks before the cold creeps in.

And, since I LOVE cauliflower, we planted four - YUM!

And, finally, Don surprised us with this little purchase:

He decided this to be "a more practical purchase" to replace the snowmobile we lost in the fire....Really, Honey?  Who do think you're fooling?  Well, I think it IS gonna be very useful during maple season... and all year round, actually...but, lots of F-U-N, too!

I've got another blog post on the way....'bout the pond and apples...some really pretty pictures, so stay tuned.  Oh, yeah!  And, the siding and roofing for the pole barn should be delivered by the end of the week, so watch for a building update, too.

And, let us know when you need some delicious, pure maple syrup for your fall goodies or gift-giving needs!

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