Friday, November 6, 2015

Is This Really November?

My last post was more deep, and of a serious, thought-provoking nature, so this one is on the light side, and quite visually-pleasing as you scroll along...

Nearly every day, my family and I spend time in the woods, enjoying nature...wilderness...peace and tranquility (at least, when the dogs are behaving!).

Besides each other and occasionally, one of the neighbors, we rarely see another human being when we're out there.

Now, we do go hiking, frequently, at the state and county parks in Central New York, seeing more human beings and other canines, but still, we're in the wilderness, more or less.

So, about three times per month Grace, Rosie and I pack up the dogs, their leashes and several poop baggies (because my dogs, inevitably, "go" where they should not!), jump into our Ford Escape, and head to town for what I call an "urban hike"....

Yes, I know the little towns around us aren't truly urban, per se,  but...well, urban hike sounds more intriguing and significant than walk.

Most often, we just traverse the 7.5 miles to Homer.  However, once in a while, we venture up to Skaneateles (pronounced "Skinny-atlas"), at the top of the lake (about 15 miles).

If you've only ever explored Genesee Street in Skaneateles, as gorgeous and nostalgic as it is, but never wandered up and down the many side streets, well then, you are missing out...

...on such beauty and charm in the architecture of the centuries-old churches and homes, the gorgeous landscaping, and quaint touches, like refurbished wrought-iron fences and antiques decorating porches.

Early this week, with a golden sun in a cloudless sky, feeling almost summery.... yet, autumn magnificence still all around the Fingerlakes, we headed to the lovely little town of Skaneateles, camera in tow.

I know this has nothing to do with the farm or maple syrup,  but to have weather this warm and sunny for three days in a Central New nothing short of a miracle!  It is a delightful gift from God to all of us summer babies and beach bums; to those of us who are "solar-powered" but find ourselves living entirely too far from the equatorial belt.

Without further ado, enjoy....     


Keep scrolling - there are several more!                                

I thought it was pretty cool that you can see the reflection of the moon in this photo - see it on the right?


Of course, we always take some time to relax beside the lake and breath deeply the crisp breeze....

Hopefully, you enjoyed this little fall feast for the eyes!  It is, indeed, November, and Thanksgiving is on its way.  
I am thankful to live in such a beautiful country.  
I am thankful for the ability to hike and enjoy both the wild beauty and the cultivated beauty.  
I am thankful for my family and friends who enjoy it with me and I am thankful to be daughter of the God who created it all!

Have a lovely weekend, and remember us for all of your maple needs!

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