Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Family introductions (part 1 of 3)

I thought that I should take a moment to introduce the family to those of you who may not know us, personally:

This is Don, the head of our family, visionary leader, loving husband and father, and so much more.  On our wedding day, he promised me our lives would never be boring.....

And, in our 18 years together, it NEVER has been!!

Don is an "out of the box" thinker, and has a talent for recycling things, often times taking objects apart and rebuilding them into something new.  He is a self-described "scrounge".  Determined not to go into debt to start our maple syrup production, much of the equipment we have for processing the sap has been built by Don out of materials given to us, or bought inexpensively, like this sap releaser (many thanks to a dairy farming friend) :
  He never fails to impress me after all our years together!


  1. We can't wait either! The girls found cute little outfits for the wedding this week!
