Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Journey of a Drop of Sap (part 2)

Now, let me see.....Where were we?  
That's right!  The "refining fire".....

This is where your "water weight" is being removed......mostly.

Our evaporator holds about 60 gallons of sap at a time.  When running "full steam" we can make about 2 and half gallons of syrup per hour.  We haven't had the opportunity to do that yet, though!

The way in which we have things set up at this time, you would go from here into a 55-gallon drum or......

...be finished off in a large, square metal pan or large pot.  You are heated up to about 218 degrees, give or take a few tenths depending on elevation and barometric pressure....(you're not quite there, yet).                

As your temperature rises, you are getting thicker and darker.  Your next stop is the hydrometer.  This is how we know, officially, that you are syrup...


Once you've reached the correct density, 66 degrees Brix, you'll slide from the pan or pot through a filter which removes most of your mineral sediment.  From here you are given a grade and color. (For this batch, it is grade A dark amber, my favorite!)

And, now, for the best part....................

Yes, your journey ends here

Each maple producer's syrup will have a slightly different taste.  In fact, each year the syrup will have a unique flavor, depending upon the weather conditions and such.  Ours has a rich "nutty" flavor this year.  Mmmm.....

Check in later this week for works from our poet, Grace!

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