Monday, October 26, 2015

Time Marches On...

Remember that tree I showed you in my last post?  Here it is, again, just four days later:

Wow!  A vivid coral color now, but in just a day or two it will look like a burning bush!

We're another week closer to....WINTER!  Though it is definitely not my favorite season, especially as bitter cold as its been up here the past two winters, I am really trying to focus on the positives....

I'll let ya'll know when I get there!

In the meantime,  this weekend we took a few more autumn photos worth sharing.  I hope you enjoy them....

A few weeks ago, Don built this natural bridge over the small creek that ambles through our property.

Now we have better access for hiking, hunting and tapping the numerous maples on that side.

Thanks, Dear!

We "winterized" the garden this weekend.

Apparently, the twelve baby strawberry plants I purchased from that little roadside nursery back in June, REALLY like our rich soil!

They exploded with new life, to the point that we had to separate and thin the rows today before covering the bed with straw.

                                                                                                                 The chickens are adjusting to their new coop and area.  Many of them are molting at the moment, though, so egg production is low.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
            Sassy Anna is adjusting to her new home, and seems to quite enjoy our daily sojourn.                                                                                                        

I had the inclination to bake this weekend, so I asked my dearly beloved for his request.....

Spiced apple cake it is!  I wish you could've smelled it baking - Mmmmmm!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Served with a cup o' Java - the extra special stuff I keep stashed away for when we're having company.                                                                                                                                                                     I believe he was in heaven, and that always warms my heart!
We like to add a bit of our dark maple syrup to our coffee.  It's delicious that way.

Hope you had a great weekend, and enjoy the rest of autumn wherever you live!

Friday, October 23, 2015

A New Resident...

I always know that our most colorful season is nearing its end when this tree, along with a few others in the sugarbush, turn a brilliant shade of orange.  It's breath-taking!

Looks like we'll be there in just a few days [SIGH]....

Last weekend, the girls and I drove down to Pennsylvania to visit family and friends.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, er, our little homestead...

The guys were hard at work....eating pizza - just kidding!  They completed a few projects...

The back.

The front!

And, since our silly hens can't seem to lay their eggs in the chicken coop instead of in the hayloft or wheelbarrow, or other random locations in the backyard...

...the guys fenced in a lovely little chicken yard attached to the coop for the time being.  We'll let them range the property, again, once they develop the habit of laying in their nest boxes.

Don and Will also hauled some firewood out of the woods, splitting and organizing it for winter, as well as organizing some more of our supplies for next maple season.  

Sassy Anna
                                                              When the girls and I arrived home Sunday afternoon, we brought along a new resident...a pasture-mate for Lexie!  Her name is Sassy Anna.                                                                                                                                               You see, back in the spring, Don and Grace decided that they really weren't interested in trail riding anymore... which meant that L. J., our trail horse, was out of a job.
Knowing it would not be good for him to waste away in the pasture, we opted to sell him.  After several months, we found the perfect new owner for him.  Yay!

Lexie became quite depressed living all by herself, and that just would not do.  I adore her too much.  After all, she's been part of our family for over ten years!

Recalling that one of my neighbors in PA had inquired about a "retirement home" for one of their former harness-racers (presently a broodmare), I decided to give them a call.  Sure enough, Sassy Anna was still there. "I'd love to take her!" I gushed.  "She'll be good therapy for me AND Lexie!"
So, we would be her retirement home.

"I must be crazy!"  I thought as I drove north on route 10, hauling a horse home....for a horse. I really don't need any more "therapy"....of this kind, at least! That's why I have not one, but THREE goofy, obnoxious dogs!

They couldn't even tell me her exact age - only that she's between 18 and 21.  She's quite out of shape right now, but we're hoping to get her back in harness for some relaxing drives around the nearby state forest.

Whether she lives two more years or ten, we will do our best to give Sassy Anna what she needs to thrive - even if the only thing I ever get to do with her is groom her and feed her apples and carrots every afternoon!

So that's what's goin' on at Westbrook Farm.  
We'll be at the Homer Farmers' Market one last time this season - Saturday, October 24th.  Feel free to drop by for some delicious maple syrup or maple lollipops.  
And, follow me here to find out about our upcoming holiday specials!                                      

Sunday, October 11, 2015

To Market, To Market...

Well, it is just about mid-October. And, a gorgeous time of year, indeed!

But, that means, roughly, FOUR more months until next maple season!

Between some inclement weather and a knee injury that Don sustained at work about ten days ago, our project completion has been a bit delayed.

However, we did put up some shelves, and we moved much of our maple supplies into the new sugar shack, recently.

What else are we doing?  Why, going to market!  Yes, we've been selling syrup and lollipops at the Homer Farmers' Market in Downtown Homer, New York, (about 7 miles from the farm) these last two weekends, as you may have noticed in our Facebook posts.

We've been talking about doing this since May...... In hind sight, we really should've just joined this organization for the entire season which runs Saturdays and Wednesday evenings from mid-May through October.  I guess we just weren't ready to make the commitment before now... 

You will find us there most Saturdays next season, though! 

While last Saturday was cloudy, drizzly and quite chilly, this Saturday was crisp but sunny - a perfect autumn day!

These two photos were taken as vendors were setting up.  Since the season is winding down, there have been fewer vendors and fewer patrons in attendance, but its been nice getting to know some of the regulars.

Last weekend, Rosie helped me.  This weekend, it was me and Grace.  I'm thinking, however, between the five of us, no one will need to give up every single Saturday next season, and we may even have time to do some Wednesday evenings, too!

At any rate, I'm quite sure we'll be able to sell quite a bit of maple products, while also getting to know our community better - who can beat that!

I don't think Grace really wanted her picture taken at nine in the was still pretty chilly out as we were setting up!

I decided to play "photographer-extraordinaire" between chatting with potential customers and neighboring vendors.  Here are a few of the beautiful visions surrounding us at market:

Normally, there is a honey producer, a specialty soaps and lotions artisan, a grass-fed meats producer, and a wood crafter, in addition to the fresh produce stands and bakery.  This market has grown consistently over the past few years, so I am excited to see what other local, small agri-businesses and artisans will be represented here next year.

Watch for more news about the market in Spring 2016!

In the meantime, we have just a few lollipops left,  which I plan to give to some special little folks in my family, whom I get to see next weekend....(let's pray I don't forget to pack them!)...

Yes, we'll be in PA for a very brief visit, so let me know if you need some syrup down there - I'll bring it along, Pennsylvanian Friends!